New Model Aims to Help Businesses Get Back to Work After COVID-19
A new model aims to help commercial and public organizations resume operations safely as restrictions around the COVID-19 pandemic begin to ease.Building on guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), ABS Consulting said its Restart Risk Model offers a way for organizations to systematically evaluate the risk of disease transmission to their sites, operations and work areas, and develop a plan to restart operations with enhanced working practices that address the ‘new normal’ business environment

Great Lakes Towing Announces Two New Hires
;s fleet renewal and planning programs, including design and development for the construction of new tugs. Dew retired from the U.S. Coast after 20 years as Maritime Operations & Safety Specialist, including duties as a marine inspector. Just prior to joining The Towing Company, he was with ABS Consulting for eight years providing risk analysis and risk management expertise. Dew has experience working in U.S. and international ports and seaways, including the Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean. However, this will be his first opportunity experiencing the maritime industry on the Great Lakes