Fugro's ROV Training Course Gets IMCA Approval
must pass a written exam and complete all course modules to obtain certification. By adhering to these rigorous standards, Fugro ensures that its trainees receive the highest quality education, preparing them to become competent and successful professionals in the ROV industry," Fugro said.Allen Leatt, CEO of International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) said: "We’re delighted to have worked closely with Fugro to introduce the first IMCA-approved ROV training course. Remote operations are increasingly important to the offshore sector, and our curriculum has been developed to

Roan Joins IMCA in North America
The International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) has appointed Eric Roan as its regulatory representative in North America. “I am very pleased to welcome an experienced professional with the stature and credentials of Eric on to the IMCA bench,” said Allen Leatt. “He will play a key role in our dialogue with industry regulators and within our extensive network of members in the United States.” Based in Houston, Roan has worked in a variety of regulatory compliance and advocacy roles for several oil companies and drilling contractors in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico.

IMCA Appoints Bradshaw as Policy and Regualtory Affaris Manager
, together his involvement with ICAS and makes him the ideal person to take on management of our policy and regulatory affairs. He will be working with Emily Comlyn our Policy and Regulatory Affairs Technical Adviser. Together they make a very strong team” explains IMCA’s Chief Executive, Allen Leatt